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Lewis faces losing one of the most important people in his life – his grandson – while Justin struggles to provide for his family. The Crabb house is bursting at the seams with Phoebe and Jem in the mix when Gemma’s mum Wendy arrives on their doorstep. Lewis and Gemma are so frazzled they forget Tilda’s birthday, so they cobble together an ad-hoc party which is overshadowed by rival school mum Dimity. Meanwhile Justin and Nicola are crammed into a one-bedroom rental and need a new house to live in. The House Husbands leave Tilda’s disastrous birthday party to try and buy Justin a house, but get held up – at gunpoint. Back at Tilda’s party, the kids are bored and Gemma’s mum Wendy drops a bombshell. After their pregnancy scare at the end of Series 1, it’s been decided Mark needs a vasectomy. Ultimately Abi realises she does want another child and races in to stop the surgery. Will she get there in time? And will Justin be able to build his family their dream home?
