Co-writers Jonas and Wiebke present their idea for a TV show to Werner, a producer. Despite the two of them having invested sweat, blood and tears for months, Werner has something very different in mind. Money is tight, so Jonas and Wiebke have no other choice but to take on a new project. The only other alternative is a well-paid job for Berlin's city cleaning department. Wiebke is too proud to write garbage and wants to turn it down, but then Jonas meets Vanessa, his schoolboy crush. Having realized he doesn't even have enough money to take her out to dinner, he guiltily makes a big decision alone. Thankfully, he has Lennart on his side, a café owner who gives Jonas tips in all things career and love life. Meanwhile, Basti founds a start up with Jenny, making and selling home-made dog treats. The only problem is that they can't decide whether to go for vegan or liverwurst. They decide to let the dogs choose for themselves, with what looks like dramatic results…