• In Produktion

Tief durchatmen und die Schönheit der Natur genießen – diese umfangreiche Reihe von Entspannungsvideos schafft Momente der Ruhe und fördert das Wohlbefinden. Mit eindrucksvollen Landschaftsaufnahmen und Originalklängen der Natur, teils begleitet von sanfter Musik, bieten die Filme eine meditative Auszeit. Im Fokus stehen die Wunder der Natur: ein Spaziergang durch die mächtigen Redwoods Kaliforniens, eine Safari ins Herz Afrikas oder die faszinierenden Nordlichter über den norwegischen Fjorden. Die langen Einstellungen lassen die Natur intensiv wirken und laden zum Verweilen ein. 

Laufzeiten von bis zu acht Stunden in 4- oder 8K-Auflösung machen die Filme ideal für Büros, Warteräume, Spas oder andere öffentliche Orte. Sie schaffen eine Oase der Stille im hektischen Alltag und verwandeln jeden Raum in einen Ort der Entspannung.


  1. South African Animals of the National Parc of Chobe
  2. Yellowstone National Parc Nature Relaxation
  3. Redwoods Walk With Forest Sounds
  4. North Cascades National Park Loop Trail
  5. Savuti and Linyati Nature and Wildlife of Botswana
  6. Botswana Wildlife and Nature
  7. Kilauea Volcano on  Hawaii Erupting
  8. Middle East Wild Animals and Birds in their Natural Desert Habitat
  9. Worlds Most Beautiful Places with Nature Sounds and Music
  10. Carpathian Mountains in Winter with Calming Music
  11. Canadian Nature Scenery to Relax
  12. Hawaiis Costal Views and Tropical Island Sounds
  13. Macro World of Little Forest Inhabitants
  14. South Urals Mountain Views
  15. Okawanga Inland Delta  from Above
  16. Chernobyl Abandoned City and Nature
  17. Hawaii Botanical Garden - Virtual Walk
  18. Chobe National Park and Wild Animals in South Africa
  19. Waterfalls of the World to Relax with Nature
  20. Wild Coast of South Africa from Above
  21. Norway Cities from the Sky
  22. Canadian National Parks in Winter
  23. Turkey from the Sky
  24. Norways Famous Places in Winter
  25. Northern Lights of Norway to relax
  26. Ancient Mountains of South Urals During the Four Seasons
  27. Kauai Island of Hawaii and Tropical Nature
  28. Lofoten Islands in Norway during Arctic Night
  29. Aurora Borealis at Arctic Night
  30. Croatian Coasts from the Sky with Relaxing Music
  31. USA Ocean and Mountain Views with Nature Sounds
  32. Vancouver Aquarium Underwater World for Relaxation
  33. Madeira Islands Fascinating Nature
  34. Winter Scenery to Relax
  35. Ancient Mountains of Russia from Bird Eye View
  36. Canadian Rivers and Waterfalls from Above
  37. Red Sea Colorful Underwater World
  38. Vancouver Aquarium and Calming Music
  39. Red Sea Underwater World with Calming Music
  40. Red Sea Underwater To Relax
  41. Red Sea Underwater Wonders
  42. Siberia from the Sky with Ambient Music
  43. White Canyon in Kazakhstan from the Sky
  44. Red Sea Inhabitants with Soothing Music
  45. Ruby Beach at Sunset with Nature Sounds
  46. Bali Aerial Views
  47. Peaceful Campfire at Sunrise with Crackling Fire Sounds
  48. Turkey from Above
  49. Winter Berry Trees with Bird Chirping Sounds
  50. Amazing Colors of Spring Flowers and Fall Leaves
  51. Dead Sea Sounds in Israel
  52. Iceland from Above with Relaxing Music
  53. Moon and Night Footage with Chill Out Music
  54. Ahihi Bay in Hawaii at Sunset with Ocean View
  55. Kapalua Bay of Hawaii at Sunset to Relax
  56. Maui Island of Hawaii from Above
  57. Greek Landscapes and Citys from the Sky - Santorini, Corfu and Athens
  58. Adriatic Sea Underwater with Relaxing Music
  59. Campfire and Crackling Sounds by the River
  60. Ukranian Mountains Waterfall during Winter
  61. Campfire Scene in Autumn with Crackling Fire Sounds
  62. Morning sky and Music for Deep Relaxation
  63. New York City Full Moon Night
  64. India from Above
  65. Riga from the Sky
  66. Talinn in Estonia from Above
  67. Nature Scenes with Ambient Music
  68. Natural Wonders of the Earth with Piano Music
  69. Lake Minnewanka in Canada at Night
  70. Big Island of Hawaii during Full Moon Night
  71. Relaxing Atmosphere of a Night Forest with Nature Sounds and Ambient Music
  72. Night Jungle Waterfall and Crickets Sounds
  73. Starlit Night at Tropical Beach with Relaxing Music
  74. Milky Way Sky for Stress Relief and Good Sleep
  75. Blooming Flowers with Piano Music and Nature Sounds
  76. Nature Scenery all over the World 