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Episode 6 of History's Greatest Myths looks at the mystery that lies in vast and unexplored places. In the relics of ancient civilisations, whose truths are lost to time. In the secrets we keep, and the ones that are kept from us.

From the undiscovered location of Atlantis to the unknown properties of the Bermuda triangle, Episode 6 is rife with intrigue. We delve into the unfathomable deaths of Amelia Earhart and Australian Prime Minister Harold Holt and look for meaning in the quatrains of Nostradamus’ Centuries. And while modern day conspiracy theorists look to Area 51 to learn about creatures from other planets, Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster keep many enthusiasts busy searching for proof of life.

These are some of the great unsolved mysteries of our world. Their obscured truths, fertile ground for myth-making.
