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The Real Winnie the Pooh: The Story of the American Black Bear

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Few animals are more popular and iconic than North America’s black bears. Such loveable, colourful characters, they inspired one of the most famous animals from literature – Winnie the Pooh. Although they sometimes look cute and comical, bears are fast and powerful predators with fiery tempers. They’re intelligent and adaptable, roaming the entire continent, conquering every habitat, and eating just about anything they can find. And as young cubs start their life and discover the pleasures of being bears, they reveal their appealing personalities. They also have the benefit of one of nature’s best mothers, giving them the protection and nourishment to grow into a majestic black bear in their own right. Imagine if we could follow the lives of bears, to show the typical life of the all American bear - the real Winnie the Pooh.
