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Death of a Girl (eps. 4, part 2)

A small Baltic-Sea town is shattered when 14-year-old Jennifer is found murdered. As fear and mistrust spread, chief investigator Hella Christensen soon has a main suspect: her son Martin. Not only was he the last person seen with Jennifer, but he also had a blood-stained pullover among his things. While Hella is taken off the case, Martin's silence only contributes to the witch-hunting atmosphere in the town. Suddenly Jennifer's father becomes a suspect, then a hotel owner with a darkroom in the basement for his hobby, photography...Hella, meanwhile, is relieved to hear that Jennifer was seen with someone else than Martin before her death. But after another suspect is shot and killed, the town is in an uproar. Everyone seems to have neglected a theft committed in the shop of Jennifer's mother: a key that might open the door to the truth.
