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We Love Life

The good thing about reaching rock bottom is that you can’t get any lower, unemployed Maria Kowalke reassures herself when, after a break-up, her dad suddenly appears on the scene. But is that really true?

Desperate for a job, Maria ends up not giving art classes but working as a substitute music teacher at a high school. Her distracted, rebellious tenth graders quickly drive her to her limits. That said, things could always be worse. There’s her dad, for example, a retired colonel who refuses to accept that he now lives in a retirement home in Berlin and turns up on Maria’s doorstep every day…

Maria is at her wits’ end, until she realizes she has the chance to change not only her own life but also those of her students. What’s more, she finds she has an unexpected ally. Things start looking up for Maria and her class, and not just because the school performance of the song “I love life” is such a hit…

We Love Life follows the teacher Maria Kowalke as she sticks her neck out for her students, and her retired dad Max Schellinger, who is adamant that he’s not quite past it yet.
