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What Counts in Life

The residents of the Munich apartment building no. 23 still take part in the joys and sorrows of their neighbors. The single mother Miriam has fallen in love with the priest Gregor. But his parish is outraged.

In the parish, a priest who is romantically linked with a still-married woman is out of the question. Meanwhile, Miriam’s not-quite-ex-husband is trying to get her back. Daughter Jule is distressed: she wants to have her dad back home again, but she also likes Mom’s new boyfriend Gregor.

Miriam’s neighbors have their own worries. Achim has increasingly neglected himself in his flat ever since his wife took off for India to become more centered. Lori, the feisty cleaning lady, whips Achim and his household back into shape, to the horror of his children.

And building superintendent Eberling refuses to believe that he is suffering from dementia and nearly burns the house down. The residents help his daughter Ingrid in looking after her father – especially Michael, who has cast an eye on Ingrid.
