DIBIDOO (KiKANiNCHEN) is a successful, multimedia preschool programme on KiKA, the public service children’s channel run by ARD/ZDF in Germany. It is tailored to the development and needs of our youngest newcomers to media. The darling of every child is DIBIDOO, an animated 3D figure that accompanies the children throughout the programme. Its grown-up friends Anni, Christian and Jule – who have great ideas, know stories and provide motivation – are always by the rabbit’s side.
The popular bite-sized adventures and stories have been specifically developed for children between three and six years of age, and take place in a 2D world of paper snippets. These appealing aesthetics for children as well as the catchy songs provide a high level of audiovisual recognition value. DIBIDOO (KiKANiNCHEN) is a trusted brand and also well-known for outstanding merchandising products in Germany.