The Ascent of Civilization

The road to modern society as we know it has been paved with the successes and failures of past generations and ancient societies. In six one-hour films, "The Ascent of Civilization" takes a fresh quizzical look at trailblazer cultures of the past, from the ancient Greeks, Romans, Vikings, Carthaginians and Germanic tribes all the way to the Arab nations. The series tries to unearth what drove their societies, how ordinary people lived and laid the foundations for modern life. It seeks to clear up myths and clichés, while giving tongue-in-cheek accounts of life in ancient times and dissecting the impact of pioneering changes on ordinary people.

Gripping re-enactments, expert-interviews and entertaining comic-strips combine with stylish graphics to create an entertaining and frank guide to some of the most influential peoples in history.

Episodes (Season I – New Edition):
1. How the Greeks Changed the World
2. How the Romans Changed the World
3. How the Vikings Changed the World

Episodes (Season II):
1. The Carthaginians
2. The Germanic peoples
3. The Arabs
