Generations to come dubbed Akhanaten "the criminal of Amarna", for what he accomplished in Egypt had seemed impossible. He overthrew the old gods and replaced them with one figure: Aton. He dedicated temples throughout the land to Aton, constructing a new home for the god.
At the side of the king was Nefertiti, one of the most beautiful and mysterious women in antiquity. She supported her husband's faith and became, with him, one of the most important evangelists of the new god.
But the social structure was becoming unstable, for Akhanaten tended to reward the poor and destitute who transferred their allegiance to Aton with high positions. In contrast, he dismissed the wealthy people who supported the traditional supreme deity, Amon. And since he believed Aton was the only true god and the god of peace, Akhanaten prohibited any kind of warfare. As a result Egypt lost its dominant position in the region.
The Sun was the only Witness
The Curse of Armana
The Mummies of the Heretics