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The Mysteries of Lourdes Miracles

The Mysteries of Lourdes Miracles investigates the unexplained phenomena or scientific fact behind the notion of ‘miracles.’ What constitutes a miracle? Can they be explained by science? And how does the Catholic Church officially acknowledge them?

In order to understand better what some people call divine miracles, the film focuses on the world-famous Lourdes grotto. Each year, millions of people come to see Lourdes: it is one of the most visited of all pilgrimage sites. 69 cures still unexplained by science are said to have taken place there over 160 years. The story begins in 1858 when a mysterious woman in white appeared to a 14 year-old girl named Bernadette Soubirous and introduced herself as ‘The Immaculate Conception’...

The documentary investigates Lourdes’ “miraculous” phenomena by taking a scientific and historical perspective.
