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Batty for Bats

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Creatures of the night, bats are one of the most mysterious and misunderstood animals. Myth has them down as harbingers of doom, bloodsucking monsters who live to hunt and frighten unwitting humans. In the real world, they come in all shapes and sizes; some minute, others huge. Some roost in caves or buildings and others undertake huge migrations - in flocks big enough to rival any natural spectacle. They are some of the most important of all mammals, vital to healthy ecosystems. They control disease-spreading insects and pollinate and distribute plants, including many we depend on for food. It’s easy to get creeped out by their leathery exterior and night-time wanderings - but ignore the legend and look a little closer. These marvellous winged mammals are our friends, and we need them. In short, we should all be batty for bats!
