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On the Edge of an Abyss (eps. 49)

The team is called out on a murder case without a corpse. That’s because whoever killed Helmut Kaupp, head buyer at the Zoche paper mill, has thrown the body into a tank normally used for chipping wood, waste paper and pulp, and there’s no body left to be found. Except traces of Knaupp‘s DNA in the dry matter.

Company boss Zoche has recently been burgled. Otto Garber shares a secret with Zoche’s wife Susanne. While the team is trying to figure out whether the burglary is related to the murder, Zoche is kidnapped. Susanne withdraws 3.5 million euros in ransom money from a private bank. Otto and Verena shadow her when she makes the handover. But when they enter the barn where the kidnapper was waiting, he has already vanished with the money. And they are still in the dark as to where Zoche is being held.
