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Nieman's investigation indicates that the "God’s Grape Harvesters „consider themselves as God’s-chosen people who have always practiced inbreeding in order to preserve the purity of the blood and reproduce themselves in this way.
Together with Chauveron, he finds out that the sect regards their inbred dysmorphic and hereditary diseased children as waste products of her offspring, sacrificing them to their god Moloch by fire every year before the adult age, with the end of the grape harvest.
Blandine, the wife of one of the leading cult members, Joseph Raynaud, exposes Camille as a policewoman and decides to get her out of the way.

Searching for his missing colleague, Niemans searches the entire property of the sect. In a dormitory with the disabled children, he finds Blandine confessing to him the murder of her husband, reverend Toschi and the medical examiner Beaucarne, the three most influential men of the sect.
In her eyes, the only way to protect her beloved, severely handicapped son Jean from his terrible fate and set an end to the sacrifice of the affected children for all time.

In her religious delusion, she sees herself as a victim of the centuries-long persecution of her religious community and cannot be dissuaded from offering another sacrifice to the god Moloch with Camille.
Niemans lets the already blazing fire on the vineyards go and can save Camille just before her safe fire death.
