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In the blink of an eye, Teenosaurus Rex is cursing and raging through the flat, driving her father almost to distraction. When he then finds a positive pregnancy test in the bathroom, he comes close to having a nervous breakdown. His daughter, pregnant?
It’s the start of a day that Jan is unlikely ever to forget. Instead of focusing on work and writing his column, he chases after Carla in a panic after she rushes off to visit a friend. He wants to confront her and embarks on a hot pursuit across half the city. He was supposed to be taking his son Nick to the boy’s grandmother’s.
Still fretting about the prospect of his daughter carrying a child, Jan discovers another bombshell upon reaching his parents’ house. His mother Gisela tells him that his father Eberhard has left her for a younger woman. On top of that, his sister Julia needs to speak to him urgently about problems on the building site where his new house is taking shape.
