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Venus in the Fourth House

This grown-up female comedy tells the story of emotionally frozen reference book editor Gitti who doesn't want anything to do with her ex-husband Robert anymore. In spite of the fact that Robert is the boss of the publishing house she works for, she only talks to him when it's absolutely necessary. Gitti's relationship with her and Robert's son Jonas also suffers due to her strict refusal to attend her son's and ex-husband's double wedding. Having exhausted all other options, Robert and Jonas involve a mediator, Dr. Bechtelle. However, he isn't able to diffuse the family brawl either.

To top it all, Gitti's girlfriends Pia and Ulrike find love and disappear from her life. It can't carry on like this! Desperate and defiant, control freak Gitti decides to take up her newly loved-up friend Ulrike's place and take part in a 'Wilderness Survival Camp Extreme'.
