Braving the Tides in the North Sea: The Halligen

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Halligen are tiny islets on the North Frisian coast in Germany and are neither islands nor mainland. They are not protected by dikes and are repeatedly flooded by the North Sea. Its residents always have supplies in the house in case they are temporarily cut off from the outside world. 
Tourists appreciate the Halligen because of its originality. Numerous shorebirds are at home here or rest on the way to their winter quarters.

The Halligen are located northwest of the city of Husum. As we know them today, the islands are between three and 960 hectares in size and roughly form a circle around the island of Pellworm. Some of them are remnants of the mainland or islands, some of them were created as floodplains due to the changing tides. 

A devastating storm surge in January 1362 called “Große Mandränke” (Great man drowning), is considered to be the birth of the Halligen.
