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Hidden Waters - Germany's Secret River

  • UHD

The river Hunte is among Germany’s best kept secrets and one of its most diverse natural habitats. Documentary filmmakers Svenja and Ralph Schieke spent two years following the river and its wild inhabitants. Using drones, slow-motion cameras and time-lapse photography, the result is a spectacular portrait of the landscape of northwest Germany. Beginning in hills and mountains, the river feeds into the region’s second largest lake, flows through sandy plains, moors and heaths, and ends its journey some 200 kilometres later close to the North Sea. Salamander larvae and sea trout swim in its waters, while its banks are home to wolves, brown hare and nutria. Wild geese and rare meadow birds like the black-tailed godwit also settle along its shores. These are but a few of the natural and historical treasures revealed along the Hunte.
