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killers of the Kalahari (Episode 3)

From the savanna to the desert, the heart of South Africa is home to the most successful hunters, extremely odd animals, and the setting for one of the most colorful natural spectacles on the planet! Far from the cape and coasts, and beyond the Drakensberg Mountains, lie vast semideserts and dry savannas – a world apart, fit for clever survivalists only!

The most successful predator among Africa’s cats, a serval, lurks in the tall grass. Its extra long legs, long neck and excellent hearing make it the perfect hunter, unafraid even of snakes! This place is also the hunting grounds of what is perhaps Africa’s oddest creature: the pangolin, which goes about its search for insects with great purpose. But today it’s no longer just about eating – how about a new perfume to boot? It can hardly resist the smell of fresh dung...
