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Melih is accepted into the inner circle of the Salafi Abu Nour. He and Tobi are indoctrinated with the desire to fight for the caliphate. In the meantime, Sibel is frantically trying to find her brother. She secretly enters Melih’s name in the police register and even asks her ill-tempered colleague André to help with her search, but without success. Sibel turns to the intelligence officer Bahr, but her husband Kurt is angry when he finds Bahr at home, and rails against the dangerous scheme. Kurt takes flight with their daughter Miriam. Baris and Melih are procuring weapons. Bahr and Sibel are now working together. He shows her an identikit picture, but she does not recognise the face. They have no idea about the extent to which Melih is already involved in ISIS circles. Shortly after, Baris takes the two friends, Tobi and Melih, to an isolated "terror house”, where they are to prepare to launch an attack.
