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Dearly Departed

Sofie Gruber runs a big farm in Bavaria with her husband, and it's anything but idyllic: lots of work, little time off, no friends, and a loveless marriage. Sofie is resolute, and a bit rough-hewn. Her marriage produced no children, a fact that has only deepened the trench between her and her husband's family. One morning she finds her husband dead in the shed, an apparent suicide. The townspeople begin spreading rumors about her involvement in his death. His family and the whole town turn their backs on her, pressuring her to go. But it's not that easy, since as sole heiress, she gets the farm and her husband's money, which his family is coveting for itself. They do all they can to make life miserable for her. Banks and insurances, the town council, the local press and even the police put her under pressure. But she's not about to snap…
