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Welcome to the Countryside!

Rita and Leo have been together for 25 years now. Both are over 60, and Rita finally wants to make a dream come true: she wants to move to the country. But what Rita imagined would be a tranquil "winter" of life turns out quite differently, since Leo isn't ready to retire yet. When he doesn't get the job he was hoping for, he gives seminars for people looking for work. Rita, meanwhile, is finding life in the country a bit too tranquil. Her contacts with the tight-lipped villagers prove particularly stressful. Then Leo's daughter Anna shows up after a long silence. The childless Rita would like to reconcile father and daughter in order to build up a real family life with Anna and 13-year-old granddaughter Elisa. But neither the stubborn and recalcitrant grandfather Leo nor the non-communicative Elisa seem particularly excited about the idea.
