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King Laurin

Award-winning, first ever feature film based on a famous South Tyrolean legend about dwarf King Laurin.
Authentic, Middle Age world – shot in the beautiful mountains of South Tyrol, Italy.
If life gives you a warrior’s helmet, turn it into a flower pot!

King Laurin is a feature film based on a famous South Tyrolean legend about the Dwarven King Laurin and his enchanted rose garden.

Many years ago, dwarves and humans lived peacefully together in one kingdom ruled by a human, King Dietrich. When Dietrich’s wife died from tragic belladonna poisoning, Dietrich blamed the dwarves, as they were responsible for the royal gardens. He then banished all dwarves from the kingfom, and from that day forth, no more plants grew in the kingdom.

Ruling alone, Dietrich is respected and feared by all — unlike his undersized son, Theo. The boy dreams of being a great ruler like his father one day. But after losing yet another physical competition, he runs away to the mountains and falls into a steep ravine. To his surprise, he is saved by the Dwarven King Laurin, who takes him to his rose garden. Despite mutual scepticism, they develop an unlikely friendship. But everything changes when Theo steals King Laurin’s magical power belt to help himself win a tournament …
