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Lotta and the Great Expectations (eps. 2)

Life-loving, impulsive Lotta Brinkhammer feels like she's finally found her place in life. After having passed her exam as care-provider for seniors, she wants to continue working in the "Haus Abendrot". There are many more amusing, moving and sorrowful encounters with the residents of the home, and all are happy that Lotta is back. But precisely now that she's making more long-term plans for her future does fate step in to shake things up. Not only is the "Haus Abendrot" about to shut down, but Lotta also gets off to a bad start with the new boss, Ruth Herford. Moreover, Lotta discovers that a few hours of intimacy with a casual party acquaintance did not remain without "consequences". Thus Lotta must now decide how much responsibility she can and wants to assume in her life.
