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Lotta and the happy future (eps. 3)

Lotta wants to study medicine and become financially independent. But this isn't so easy as a single mother. Having become used to almost always getting her way with her stubbornness, she now has to learn to cope with the strict course of studies and with sharing an apartment with younger students. And not only that: For the first time, Lotta detects a new feeling within her... In this 3rd film of the "Lotta" series, our heroine is at a crossroads in her life. though Lotta is sad to leave the senior's home, she looks forward to studying medicine elsewhere – a perfectly normal development after her training and work as a geriatric nurse. She has taken a vital decision concerning her profession. And she's fallen in love for the first time. Young doctor David feels attracted to Lotta, but she again has trouble fitting him in her life plans...
