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Lotta and the Old-Timers (eps. 1)

Lotta is once again too impulsive for her own good: in her mid 20s and without any special training, she suddenly decides to apply for a training year at the nearby senior's home. The director makes it clear that this is no work for delicate damsels – a sore spot for Lotta, who's run away from many jobs before. The home is populated with seniors who won't or can't accept that their stay there is in their best interest. The once proud personnel manager Frau Wissmar, who suffers from dementia, takes a special liking to Lotta, and vice versa. The residents of the home are all preparing for their death. As for Lotta, she still has to figure out what to do with her life. But then she suddenly understands  what the young can learn from the old: that dying is an everyday event, and what makes a major difference is to be able to live it to the fullest.
