With ten days having past since Spector brazenly phoned Gibson and declared that she would never catch him, we find her sitting with his last victim, Annie Brawley, as she struggles to remember anything about her attack that will help the police enquiry. Visiting the crime scene, Gibson is joined by Assistant Chief Constable Jim Burns who keeps up the pressure on her for a breakthrough. The killer is still out there, and the police are no closer to catching him.! Meanwhile, in a isolated cottage in Scotland, Spector is waiting. No longer with his family, Spector is alone with his thoughts and plagued by his fantasies. When a furious Sally-Ann calls from Belfast to tell him of her run in with Katie who is raising her suspicions of Spector’s actions, he decides it is time for him to return home and deal with all the loose ends himself.!
As Gibson tries to convince Spector’s first victim, Rose Stagg, to come in and back up her previous informal interview, she also has to deal with the threat of facing her own case review due to her lack of progress. Briefing her newly expanded team, we see how her chilling words about Spector are born out as he arrives back in Belfast and confronts Katie. Ordering her to stay away from his family, he is thrown by her boldness and her probing questions about the killer’s identity. Sensing she is getting close to the truth, he tries to intimidate her, but Katie fights her own fears and seems to take pleasure in the danger that Spector poses.!
Arriving at the scene of one of her team’s searches, Gibson sees first hand the desperate hunt for any tangible piece of evidence that might move her investigation forward as divers sift through pitch black water and thick mud along the known route of Spector’s escape. However, instead of looking back, Spector has already decided upon his next move. Taking Rose Stagg as her family sleep silently, this time he isn’t looking for the immediate kill, but for answers. However, the police finally have something to go on. They find the decorating sheers used to kill Joe Brawley and know that this might just lead them towards the identity of his attacker.