Maddy Smith is an almost normal teen living with her parents in a small rural town. The “almost” is because she’s a Wolfblood! Neither completely wolves nor humans, Wolfbloods have great powers – super speed, strength and senses – and can change from one form to another. Just as Maddy’s getting ready for her first transformation, a new boy, Rhydian, starts at her school – and they both instinctively know their true nature. Rhydian helps Maddy master her first challenge, but after that, she’s got to learn to control her powers on her own. Rhydian, meanwhile has to cope with his mother, a “wild” Wolfblood who wants her son to roam free as a wolf. For both Maddy and Rhydian, the main question is “As we grow up, how do we know who we should be?” – a question only they can answer ...