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Alpha Material (eps. 2)

An unexpected arrival puts Rhydians leadership skills to the test in a matter of life and death.

Rhydian’s hopes of a reunion with Maddy are dashed when Dacia reveals getting her and her family to Canada is too complex for Segolia to reverse. Rhydian declares he will go to Canada and track Maddy down himself. In the woods, Rhydian is surprised by wild Wolfbloods Aran and Meinir. They take him to Jana, who’s been shot. Rhydian takes them to Maddy’s house. Ceri tells Rhydian Jana will die if she isn’t treated. Rhydian calls Tom and Shannon to help but Tom says his doctor mum will only call the police.   Rhydian asks Dacia – but she can’t get a trusted doctor to Jana for some time. With Jana deteriorating, Rhydian rings a vet – but his plan relies on Jana being able to maintain her body in wolf form.  Thanks to Ceri she does and the operation is a success. Meinir returns to the pack,  though Jana and Ceri are wary about trusting her. Rhydian returns home to face a concerned Mrs Vaughan: she’d worked out he was running off to find Maddy and reminds him he has responsibilities to his friends and to his foster brothers, as well as to himself. Rhydian resolves to remain in Stoneybridge.
