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Episode 3: The Quest for the Ark of the Covenant

In Judaism, it’s the most sacred object. A chest carved in acacia wood, gilded with gold leaf, and topped by two cherubs. The Ark of the Covenant was built upon request of Yahweh God himself. “Honor your father and your mother”, “You shall not kill”, “You’ll have no other God but me”: precepts that have become the basis of a whole society. This mythical chest disappeared, leaving with it many questions. What evidence do we have of its existence? Where is it? We went on the tracks of the Ark of the Covenant, from Neguev desert in Israel to Jerusalem and France. The Ark of the Covenant is the sign of the presence of God on Earth. Bearer of the divine word, the Ark of the Covenant strikes down the Mortal who would dare touch it. So finally, as fascinating as it is frightening, wouldn’t it be better to stay away from this object?
