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Nothing against Dad (eps. 14)

When Finn Bredemeyer secretly unties the boats at his parents’ sailing school, his mother, Sanne, nearly has a miscarriage. Katja Baumann has to fill in. She scrutinizes the boy and notices that the frequent absences of his stepfather, to whom he is very attached, cause Finn to suffer. The boy wants nothing more than to get rid of village helper Katja as quickly as possible – but Katja will have none of that. She runs boat rentals, sees to the household and keeps careful tabs on Jakob, Sanne’s aging father, who seems sluggish and forgetful to her. Is the old man showing signs of dementia? Finn behaves oddly enough as well. Why does he secretly take a bus to Rosenheim after school? Katja realizes how much pressure is resting on young Finn’s shoulders when he tells her he spotted his stepfather with another woman. He doesn’t want to tell his mother out of concern that he will then lose Matthias forever. However, when Sanne overhears Finn and Katja’s conversation it upsets her, again putting her in danger of losing her baby. She has to be rushed to the hospital. Meanwhile, in her own private life Katja once again realizes just how lucky she is to have her best friend Mark. He helps her over any gloominess that could befall her following Kiki’s departure to the United States by postponing his own trip to Leipzig for a few days and affectionately looking after Katja. An evening trip to the mountains complete with a romantic sunset rekindles old feelings – emotions neither Katja nor Mark know quite how to deal with. Mark’s new assistant Filipa, a young Portuguese veterinarian in search of work, stirs up plenty of emotions herself as turning many a man’s head with her Mediterranean flair.
