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The Detectives apprehend the killer, and the kidnap victim Senator Tousignant, in a remote cabin on the shores of a lake. Charlie Couture confesses that she wanted to avenge her father, an accountant for the Evergreen company - used by the CIA to transfer funds to those who killed President John F. Kennedy - and was killed when he threatened to become a whistle blower. Couture also says that she killed Judith Harper because she was part of the MKUltra project. The killer manages to escape, Victor and Jacinthe give chase, but she vanishes in the lake. Unsure if she is alive or dead, the detectives return to the cabin and discover the Senator has committed suicide. In the aftermath of the case, Victor begins to unravel the far reaching ramifications of the case, and tries to bring his own emotionally draining experience to a close, while providing a happy ending to his complicated love story with Nadja.
