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Going it Alone (eps. 3)

Betty wakes up on the rather uncomfortable sofa in Lizzy's and Talula's apartment and has to face the truth: her long and happy relationship with Tamás is over. In a moment of weakness, the rock musician got the very young groupie Karla pregnant, even though Betty had been hoping for a baby for so long. Tamás is heartbroken and doesn't know what he can do to make up for this major mistake. Betty will have none of it. Although she feels utterly miserable, she manages to keep her misery to herself. Mechthild Puhl, the care manager, severely tries Betty's not-too-solid composure. In order to get a few more care management positions, Mechthild wants to show the patient Dr. Rebecca Ackermann, the chairman of the board of the clinic, a special courtesy, and ends up turning the whole ward upside down.
