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Love Under Construction

DIY queen Mona Nail can’t believe her eyes: her boss, Timmermann, has bought a finca in Mallorca that he wants her to quickly “fix up“ as part of an ad campaign. But the finca is little more than a ruin, and there’s more work to do than Mona expected.

Mona, advice columnist and face of the tool manufacturer Timmermann, has been tasked with carrying out the job, all under the watchful eye of photographer Max. It’s a chance to open up the Timmermann family business to the Spanish market, and there’s a big press conference organised for when it’s completed. But what neither Mr Timmermann nor Mona’s publisher know: this "do-it-yourself" expert doesn’t even know how to screw in a lightbulb. Papering, painting and sanding wooden floorboards – it’s all Greek to Mona.

Faced with this plight, Mona tries to hide her lack of DIY skills from everybody, including the group of handymen - led by Lars - that her boss has hired.
