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The Living and the Dead (eps. 75)

After the departure of his daughter Anne, Arthur Distelmeier drowns his sorrows in alcohol as he always has done, and in his intoxicated state, he burns down the entire farm, almost killing himself. Lisbeth Gruber rushes to help him and, in a dramatic attempt to save him, both avoid a death by fire by the skin of their teeth. Lisbeth is safe and sound, but Arthur is in hospital with severe burns and has been dangerously poisoned by the smoke. Things aren’t looking well for Arthur and Martin thus tries to reach Anne.

Even though his personal issues are taking their toll on Martin, he still actively takes care of his patients. Sebastian and Michaela Höffner are two successful architects who are just about to sign off on a major deal in London for which Sebastian can’t contain his excitement. However, he has no idea his wife suffers from an incurable illness. Michaela, just like her mother, has multiple sclerosis. Michaela is determined to hide from her husband her illness and weak condition. She sees her MS as a threat to their marriage. Martin does his best to be there for her, but Michaela’s husband doesn’t seem to be handling the situation too well. Will he leave Michaela just like her mother was left by her husband?

On her way to see her father, Anne feels terribly guilty. Did he turn to alcohol because she left? But it looks like his condition is improving – he can talk and has enough strength to throw one mean remark after the other at Martin. The mountain medic is pleased, since he knows this meanness is a sign he is recuperating and will get better.

But there’s also daughter Lilli and her plans to go to New Zealand, his fight with his brother Hans who kicked him off the farm, and their diverging views regarding their daughter Lilli’s future could possibly drive them even further apart.

Last episode of the current season of “Mountain Medic”.
